Published in Ehpadia, the magazine for nursing home managers
Wishing to combine efficiency and eco-responsibility, the Soultzmatt Nursing Home in the Haut-Rhin region of France has chosen the Sanivap steam bio-cleaning system and the Nocotech airborne surface bio-disinfection process, two complementary solutions from Oxy’Pharm. An update from Valentine de Meyrignac, director of the establishment, and Jacqueline Dornstetter-Welter, health executive.

The Sanivap steam cleaner produces steam at very high temperatures for bio-cleaning without chemicals. ©DR
In what context did you choose Oxy’Pharm’s solutions?
Valentine de Meyrignac: “We were looking for a more natural alternative to conventional bio-cleaning systems, to limit the use of detergents – a project for which we benefited from the ideas and support of the hygiene team. We tested the Sanivap and were happy enough with its effectiveness to purchase four units.

With Covid, you have also started using Nocospray to enhance the safety of your staff and residents.
Valentine de Meyrignac: During the first lockdown, we were wondering how to effectively disinfect the dining room, which we felt was a high-risk area for contamination, without increasing the workload of our staff – who were already under heavy pressure at that time. Oxy’Pharm suggested that we test the Nocospray, a solution from the Nocotech range.
Jacqueline Dornstetter-Welter: In our opinion, Nocospray had two major advantages. Firstly, it operates automatically without human presence, which makes the work of our agents easier. And secondly, it is both highly efficient and in line with our eco-responsible strategy: the disinfectant product, which is distributed in the form of a dry mist, is 100% biodegradable and, above all, it is distributed evenly over all surfaces to ensure optimum disinfection. We have not had any clusters since the residents returned to the dining room.
How have Sanivap and Nocospray been received by your teams?
Valentine de Meyrignac: They have been received positively, despite certain constraints linked to the work in progress in our establishment, which generates a lot of dust and requires extra cleaning. On a practical level, while the Sanivap requires a little training to perfect the gestures, but the Nocospray is child’s play: you simply program it according to the volume of the room to be disinfected. These two complementary processes were therefore quickly adopted by our staff and certainly helped to reassure the teams in the epidemic.