Nocolyse Food

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Nocolyse Food is an approved bio-disinfection product for food contact surfaces.
Nocolyse Food is a solution with a base of 7.9% hydrogen peroxide, which must be used with spray devices from the Nocotech range.
Nocolyse Food is suitable for different needs and is available in 1L bottles and 5L, 10L and 20L cans.

Safe peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is released as a dry mist and is safe to use in contact with food and for the health of its users.
Its microbicidal action is invincible, its oxidising power irreversibly destroys the active systems of micro-organism cells.
It is composed of hydrogen peroxide stabilised at 7.9%.

A silver-free solution

Nocolyse Food is designed without silver and is perfectly suited to food manufacturing and processing. The biodegradable treatments have no impact on the quality of the finished product, the equipment needed for production and the health of consumers.


An approved solution

The Nocolyse Food range is controlled by Ecocert intrants, which attests to our commitment to environmentally-friendly practices, and proves that our product has been developed in accordance with standards that authorize its use.

Our attestation guarantees the cleaning and disinfection of organic farming areas :

  1. Animal production buildings;
  2. Plant production buildings, including storage areas;
  3. Food processing industries.

This product can be used in Organic Agriculture in compliance with the following regulations (UE) n° 2018/848 et 2021/1165. Contrôle ECOCERT F – 32600


Bactericide, yeasticide, sporicide, mycobactericide, virucide and fungicide.


Biodegradable, non-toxic, non-allergenic, non-corrosive.


No germ resistance.


Suitable for the food industry.


Very small amount of product required.

The Nocotech machine / product pair complies with

EN 17 272 (bactericide, fungicide, virucide and sporicide).

Manufactured in France by Oxy’Pharm according to ISO 13485.


Stabilised hydrogen peroxide 7.9% (79 ml/l) • EC=231-765-0 / CAS=7722-84-1.

The Nocolyse Food