Découvrez les normes NF T 72-110 et EN 17272, des standards garantissant la fiabilité de la désinfection par la vapeur et par voie aérienne.
Find out about DSVA and steam standards for effective disinfection.
Since 2003, Julien T. has been the cornerstone of Oxy’Pharm’s research departement…
an international sales team ready to support customers anywhere in the world…
Choose our solutions, combining efficiency, profitability and environmental responsibility…
Just like in the CSI series, Justine and Mathieu investigated contamination, tracing its sources and impact…
Oxy’Pharm expands its export team, uniting growth and eco-responsibility.
Safety and quality of medical devices: focus on SANIVAP and Nocotech…
How our methods help healthcare establishments prevent BMR and BHRe infections…
The new laboratory optimizes ergonomics, minimizing movements and handling…
Oxy’Pharm disinfects surfaces to reduce microbiological risks…
Marketing authorizations are essential for disinfection, ensuring compliance…
We announce the launch of Clean One +, the new version of one of our flagship products…
Bacterial contamination of siphons is a recurring problem in hospitals…
Discover our innovative solutions for the cosmetics sector…
In our after-sales department, he’s responsible for bringing damaged equipment back to life…