Clean One
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The Clean One solution is a liquid pre-disinfectant detergent for heat-stable and heat-sensitive instruments compatible only with the Alpha Clean range.
Available in 5L cans.
Bactericide activity according to EN 13727 and EN 14561 – dosage: 5 ml/l (0.5%), 15 min, 20°C.
Yeasticide activity according to EN 13624 and EN 14562 – dosage: 5 ml/l (0.5%), 15 min, 20°C.

One solution
The Clean One solution is a concentrated product that is automatically diluted in the Alpha Clean disinfectant range.
Clean One has a spectrum of effectiveness: bactericidal, yeast-killing and virucidal.
Fully biodegradable
The Clean One solution has the particular feature of being totally biodegradable, no residue is left on the instruments after treatment.
N-dodecylpropane 1,3-diamine, amphoteric surfactants, lactic acids, alkoxylated fatty alcohols